SA-Vintage Loudspeakers

De nieuwe van de speciale kunstof vervaardigde 90° hoorns van SA type nummer 2429.

With almost all SA products ever manufactured still in use today, we receive many inquiries for information on older products,we thought it to be a good idea to place them on a site-category of their own.
Below we've included as many information on the older products.
In a nutshell, SA started manufacturing loudspeaker cabinets in 1977 (the W-bin), following with amplifiers in 1980 (the SA 500); The big "change" came in 1986 with the Blue Box, the first "Ribbon Compact Driver-loaded" product, with more to follow. After that the Champion Series came (1987) as "modular" system (to be transformed into the current "Champ Series"). The Performer system was introduced in 1990 (with PPA 1200 amp).
Basically, all speaker systems before 1986 used JBL components. All cabinets were available in black with or without speakers and in SA blue with speakers only.
After 1986, all speakers were/are Stage Accompany. Especially, by being in production for more than 15 years, the Blue Box has many versions. Therefore it is important to check of what version you would like to have information.

SA 4515/4518 bass cabinets
The W-bin is a horn-loaded bass cabinet, with vents located at the front; the 4518 featured a single JBL 18" speaker and the 4515 featured double JBL 15" speakers. They were both available in standard version or SA-blue or black "S" version (wheels, scratch-proof finish and aluminum corner protection).
The 4515 and 4518 were produced between 1977 and 1986.
Because of the simple, but rigid cabinet construction and the efficiency, most of them are still on the road and hold good value.

SA 4512 mid cabinets
The 4512 is a horn-loaded midbass cabinet and features a single 12" speaker. They were both available in standard version or SA-blue or black "S" version (wheels, scratch-proof finish and aluminum corner protection).
The 4512 was produced between 1977 and 1986.

SA 4520/4530 bass cabinets
The "slide" is a rear-loaded bass cabinet, with a direct-radiating speaker; the 4530 featured a single JBL 15" speaker and the 4520 featured double JBL 15" speakers. They were both available in standard version or SA-blue or black "S" version (wheels, scratch-proof finish and aluminium corner protection).
The 4530 and 4520 were produced between 1977 and 1986.

SA 4637 floor monitor
The SA 4637 is a two-way wedge-type monitor system, with 15" woofer and bi-radial flared compression driver. The SA 4437S was the flightcase to carry two SA 4637's.
Both SA 4637 and SA 4437S were produced between1977 and 1986.

SA 4528(S) bass cabinet
The SA 4528 is a double 15" front-loaded bass-reflex cabinet. Depending on the speakers fitted, the cabinet could act as pure bass system or as bass-guitar reinforcement system. It was available in standard version or "road" version (flip handles, aluminum corner protection and impact-resistent Duropal finish).
SA 4521(S) midrange cabinet
The SA 4521 is a double 10" non-vented front-loaded mid cabinet to accompany the 4528 bass system. Also available in standard version or "road" version (flip handles, aluminum corner protection and impact-resistent Duropal finish).
SA 4470SB HF cabinet
The SA 4470SB is a High frequency system, based on 1" compression driver with 90degree horn. The case could "interlock" with another SA 4470SB for compact and easy transportation.
The SA 4528, SA 4521 and SA 4470SB were produced between 1977 and 1986.

SA 4548(S) backline cabinet
The SA 4548 is a quad 12" back line cabinet designed for electric guitar reinforcement. This is the only system where there was a choice between JBL and Celestion speakers (or your own 12" speakers!). Also available in standard version or "road" version (flip handles, aluminum corner protection and impact-resistent Duropal finish).
The SA 4548 was produced between 1977 and 1986. One of the well-known users of that time was the rock group Vandenberg.

SA 4522(S)
The SA 4522 is a compact, stand-mounted two-way reinforcement system. The system features a JBL 12" with JBL 2402 bullet tweeter, filtered by a SA 3230 crossover network.
Available in standard version or "road" version (flip handles, aluminum corner protection and impact-resistent Duropal finish).
The SA 4522 was produced between 1977 and 1986.

SA 4534(S)
The SA 4534 is a two-way high quality reinforcement system. The system features a 15" with 1" bi-radial horn compression driver, filtered by a SA 3210 crossover network.
Available in standard version or "road" version (flip handles, aluminum corner protection and impact-resistent Duropal finish). The SA 4534 was produced between 1977 and 1986.

SA 4537(S)
The SA 4537 is a two-way compact sound reinforcement system. The system features a 15" with 1" bi-radial horn compression driver, filtered by a SA 3210 crossover network.
Available in standard version or "road" version (flip handles, aluminum corner protection and impact-resistent Duropal finish). The SA 4537 was produced between 1977 and 1986.

SA 4525 "Blue Box"
The Blue Box (1986) is a two-way multi-purpose sound reinforcement system. The system consists of one SA 15" with SA Ribbon Compact Driver, together with a PMS 5000 amplifier module. Since its introduction the Blue Box went through many changes; Starting with the SA 8520, the BB has seen all Ribbon Compact Drivers, SA 8525 (1987), SA 8526 (1990) and SA 8535 (1993). Also the woofer changed from SA 1503 to SA 1513 (1992). The cabinet shape went from (type of) wedge-shaped to deep rectangular (1987) to small rectangular (1990). The PMS 5000 module has two different AC connections; The initial NL AC power plug was changed into a fixed AC cord (1988). The foam front was changed into the steel grill frame in 1990.
Confused? As a reference; The Blue Box II came in 1990 and featured SA 8526 Ribbon Compact Driver, with SA 1503 woofer. The PMS 5000 had a fixed AC cord and was mounted in smaller cabinet. The reflex vents were rounded (instead of rectangular) and the grill was made of steel. After that only the woofer (SA 1513) and ribbon tweeter (SA 8535) were upgraded.
With the introduction of the high power SA 8535, special updates were possible (including software), replacing the old Ribbons.

Grey Series
Initially marked as "Economy Series", the Grey Series is a budget-conscious line of speakers using compression driver technology. The series consists of three types of cabinets, GB 12, GB 15 and GB 152, including a subwoofer, GS 15. The range also included floor monitors, the GM 8, GM 12 and GM 15. The cone speakers are all SA, 1222, 1522, and 1523, except for the 8"; This one, as well as the compression drivers, came from DAS.
The recommended amplifier with this series was the SA 400 (see amplifier section).
The Grey Series were produced between 1991 and 1995.

Therefore it is important to check of what version you would like to have information.